The Best Foods to Eat After Tooth Extraction: Soft Diet Ideas

Best Foods to Eat After Tooth Extraction

Undergoing a tooth extraction can be a daunting experience, and one of the most critical aspects of the recovery process is maintaining a soft diet to facilitate healing and prevent complications. Choosing the right foods can make a significant difference in your comfort and recovery. In this article, we will explore the best foods to eat after tooth extraction, providing you with a variety of soft diet ideas to ensure a smooth recovery process.

Understanding Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is a dental procedure where a dentist or oral surgeon removes a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. It is done for various reasons, such as severe decay, gum disease, impacted wisdom teeth, or to prepare for dentures. The procedure involves numbing the area with anesthesia, loosening the tooth, and removing it carefully. Patients are given post-extraction care instructions to ensure proper healing.

List of Best Foods To Eat After Tooth Extraction

After a tooth extraction, it's essential to follow a soft and easy-to-chew diet to promote healing and prevent discomfort. Here's a list of foods that are generally safe to eat after a tooth extraction:

Soups and Broths:

Chicken Broth: Rich in nutrients and easy to consume, chicken broth is a popular choice for those recovering from tooth extraction. Its warm, soothing nature provides comfort and helps maintain hydration.

Vegetable Soup: Blended vegetable soups are a fantastic source of vitamins and minerals. Choose soft vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and squash, which can be easily pureed for a smooth consistency.

Puddings and Yogurt:

Puddings: Creamy puddings are not only delicious but also easy to swallow. Opt for flavors like vanilla or chocolate and avoid toppings or mix-ins that could irritate the extraction site.

Yogurt: Yogurt is a soft and protein-rich option. It contains probiotics that promote a healthy digestive system and can aid in the healing process. Choose plain, unsweetened yogurt to avoid unnecessary sugar intake.

Read Also: Tooth Extraction Vs Other Dental Treatments

Mashed Foods:

Mashed Potatoes: Soft, creamy mashed potatoes are a comforting and filling option. You can enhance the flavor with a bit of butter or milk. Avoid adding spices or chunks that could cause discomfort.

Mashed Avocado: Avocado is not only smooth but also packed with healthy fats and nutrients. Mash it into a guacamole-like consistency and spread it on soft bread or eat it on its own.

Smoothies and Milkshakes:

Fruit Smoothies: Blend soft fruits like bananas, strawberries, and mangoes with yogurt or milk to create a nutritious and easy-to-consume smoothie. You can also add a dollop of honey for sweetness.

Milkshakes: Creamy and indulgent, milkshakes are a tasty way to stay nourished. Use milk, ice cream, and your favorite flavors, but avoid using a straw to prevent complications.


Scrambled Eggs: Soft, scrambled eggs are a good source of protein and can be prepared to a smooth consistency. Cook them with a bit of butter for added flavor.

Egg Salad: Mash hard-boiled eggs with mayonnaise to create a creamy egg salad. Spread it on soft bread or eat it with a spoon for a protein-packed meal.

Oatmeal: Cooked oatmeal is a warm and filling option. Make it with milk or water and add soft fruits like apples or bananas for extra flavor and nutrition.

Rice Porridge (Congee): A popular comfort food in many cultures, congee is a rice porridge that can be easily customized with soft vegetables, meats, or tofu for added taste and nutrition.

Soft Fruits:

Bananas: Bananas are naturally soft and gentle on the teeth and gums. They are a good source of potassium and energy.

  • Applesauce: Unsweetened applesauce is smooth and can be consumed without chewing, making it an excellent choice after a tooth extraction.
  • Cooked or Canned Fruits: Cooked fruits like peaches and pears, or canned varieties without skins, provide essential vitamins and can be easily mashed or pureed for consumption.

Read Also: Root Canal Vs. Tooth Extraction


  • Cottage Cheese: Cottage cheese is soft, mild, and protein-rich. It can be consumed on its own or mixed with soft fruits for added flavor.
  • Soft Cheese: Cream cheese and similar soft cheeses are easy to spread and can be paired with soft bread or crackers for a tasty and easy-to-eat snack.


  • Soft Pasta: Well-cooked pasta, preferably overcooked to achieve a soft texture, can be consumed without causing discomfort.
  • Cooked Rice: Soft, cooked rice is easy to chew and provides carbohydrates for energy.


  • Water: Staying hydrated is crucial for the healing process. Drink water throughout the day to maintain proper hydration.
  • Herbal Teas: Mild herbal teas like chamomile or peppermint, served at lukewarm temperatures, provide relaxation and can be soothing on the throat.
  • Cold Fruit Juices: Opt for fruit juices without pulp and dilute them with water to reduce acidity. Avoid citrus juices that might cause irritation.
  • Coconut Water: Natural coconut water is hydrating and provides electrolytes without added sugars.

Read Also: Is Tooth Extraction Painful

Foods to Avoid After Tooth Extraction

There are various foods that are strictly avoided after Tooth Extraction. Here is the list. 

Hot and Spicy Foods:

Hot soups, spicy curries, and chili peppers can cause irritation.

Crunchy Foods:

Chips, popcorn, and nuts can get stuck, leading to discomfort or infection.

Hard Candies:

Chewing hard candies can damage the healing area; avoid sucking candies.

Chewy Foods:

Sticky foods like caramel and chewing gum can pull at the extraction site.

Acidic Foods and Beverages:

Citrus fruits, tomatoes, and sodas can irritate the sensitive area.

Alcoholic Beverages:

Alcohol can interfere with blood clot formation and pain medications.


Using straws creates suction, increasing the risk of dry socket (blood clot dislodgement).

Smoking and Tobacco Products:

Smoking hinders healing and raises the risk of complications.

Seeds and Small Grains:

Tiny particles from seeds like sesame or chia can get lodged in the extraction site.

Carbonated Beverages:

Fizzy drinks may cause discomfort due to the carbonation.

Read Also: Types Of Tooth Extraction


Recovering from a tooth extraction requires patience, care, and attention to your diet. By choosing the right soft foods, you can ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery process. Remember to avoid hot, spicy, crunchy, or hard foods during the initial stages of healing to prevent any complications. Prioritize your oral hygiene, follow your dentist's instructions, and enjoy a variety of delicious and nutritious soft foods to support your recovery journey.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is it important to follow a soft diet after tooth extraction?

Following a soft diet after tooth extraction is essential because it helps in preventing irritation or injury to the extraction site. Soft foods are gentle on the healing area, reducing the risk of complications and promoting faster recovery.

Can I drink hot beverages like tea or coffee after tooth extraction?

It's best to avoid hot beverages immediately after tooth extraction, as heat can dissolve the blood clot that forms in the extraction site, leading to a painful condition called dry socket. Stick to lukewarm or cold beverages during the initial days of recovery.

Can I eat ice cream after tooth extraction?

Yes, ice cream is a popular choice after tooth extraction. It is soft, cold, and soothing, providing comfort during the recovery period. Opt for flavors without nuts, crunchy pieces, or large frozen chunks.

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